Busyness and MINK WIC
This post was originally from the blog site Binary Girls that my friends Abbey, Sarah, and I started. I’m saving it here for archival reasons.
I’m sorry, blogosphere. The Binary Girls have been a bit busy lately. I know it’s been 2 months and 18 days (or 11 weeks 2 days, or 79 days) since we last blogged, so I’ll try to catch you up.
So first, Abbey and I went to the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing conference again this year. We both had a pretty good time with over 4500 other people. I think we both agree it was a bit insane going since MINK WIC was two weeks later.
Speaking of… the Missouri Iowa Nebraska Kansas Women in Computing conference (or MINK WIC) was this past weekend. It was also a good conference with over 250 people there. Sarah, Abbey, and I were all on the committee to help organize the event. It was wonderful, but definitely had its share of insanity, mostly the Kansas City Marathon shutting down so many roads that there was literally no entrance to the conference, so we had to round up everyone early enough to get there before the road blocks at 7:00 am. Oy!
Of course I’ve been busy with school as well. Besides having large projects in three of my four classes, there was these conferences. I met a few more cool people at them, but I definitely learned how to fill my plate up with activities and overwork myself. But both conferences helped motivate me a bit more to continue to try to do awesome things, both for myself but also to help encourage other women to enter (and stay in) the computing profession.
I’ll update more in a bit. And maybe I can get the other two Binary Girls to write on their experiences.
~ Sarah