Last Month(ish)

2 minute read

“Last Week” should probably be “Last Month” at this point or “Last Couple of Months”, but I’m working on this anyway.


  • One of the best things this year has probably been finding a friend that I talk daily with and hang out 2-4 times a week. Though between when I started this post and publishing it, she sent a message thinking we’re moving in different directions and wanted to part ways. Definitely a really nice and bad thing combined together.
  • I sung with the Kansas City Women’s Chorus at their spring concert “We Can Do It!” And it was amazing and wonderful and beautiful. It was pretty amazing. It took me out of my comfort zone, but was definitely worth it! Unfortunately, there’s a summer break and I have to wait until the fall for the next concert to start!
  • I wrote a post about goals for this year, and I’m slowly checking off check boxes on things I’ve wanted to accomplish. Feels great to finally make progress on these things!


  • I’ve been at this job 9 months. And I still feel like there’s things I’m still having to figure out. I think it’s messing with my head a bit as I feel like it normally takes me a month or two to ramp up at previous jobs. Coworkers seem to still be fine with what I’m doing and my productivity rate, so this is apparently all in my head. (Yay mental games!)
  • I’m still on the module rewrite project. I’ve been implementing features on it for the most part since March.
  • I discovered one bug in the core framework as a result of my work, and have fixed that.


  • Still playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. I’ve completed all dungeons up to the final castle. That’s next.
  • Started and finished The IT Crowd. Besides a bit of transphobic garbage in one episode, it was pretty good. And also not totally what I was expecting, it was better!
  • I started The Bletchley Circle on Netflix a while ago. It’s a series about women code breakers from WW2, and how they get back together after the war to figure out some crimes. I started and finished season 2 and it’s so great!
  • I started Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (yeah, yeah… I know. I’m a loser for not watching it yet.) But have finished season 1 and maybe half of season 2.
  • I saw Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in the theater. It was good. And had a lot more feels to it than I expected, but was still really great!




  • I unfortunately cancelled my talks at Indy.Code() as it was causing a bit of a schedule conflict, but also money’s a bit tight right now and the conference or my work wasn’t paying for travel.
  • I am speaking at Self.Conference on May 19th and giving my “The Power of Secrets” talk
  • I am speaking at Code PaLOUsa in June and giving my “A Primer on Functional Programming” and “Intro to Hacking the Raspberry Pi” talks

On the Internet

I decided not to post on here. It seemed too daunting to find the cool articles from my browser history for over a month. I’ll resume again next time.